Where it all started
I played guitar when I was a teenager… about 12-17… guess I gave it up when I had to really study for my O levels…
And I was pretty good! I had lessons, my parents were supportive. I even had a band with a few friends casually playing at the weekend in my parents garage.
I always knew it was something I wanted to come back to. Just didn’t know when…
Maybe I thought there would be a magical moment when my career would be “sorted”…
Or when doing outdoorsy things didn’t have the same appeal…
Little did I know that it was in amongst my sleep deprived moment of having a child, that would come to inspire me to start playing guitar again.
I’m a lucky man
I would preface by saying that… I am a lucky man… who have a wonderful wife. Which means that I am able to enjoy some spare time where she has little.
Seeing the joy in his face and the big smiles as I was playing guitar to him really gave me the motivation to carry on.
And with my spare time, I’ve been playing a few tunes to my baby boy.

Getting started with playing the guitar for my son
Started off with a few simple chords… then it was learning a few nursery rhythms.
Seeing the joy in his face and the big smiles as I was playing guitar to him really gave me the motivation to carry on.
And the excitement of discovery and learning music came back to me.
So I went to find guitar lessons so I could get better.
I had the picture in my head of teaching and playing guitar & singing with my son.
I guess that picture is what’s got me wanting to carry on playing the guitar.
And I don’t regret coming back to it at all.
The best time to start learning guitar is 20 years ago but if this is you reading this now. Then the best time to start is now.